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Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:14 pm
by Tom Linn
On a positive note, the kids of the BBK are stoked about the chance to go to Oz and it is the talk of the nieghborhood. The parents are very supportive as well.

longest post?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:41 pm
by Kauaikneelo
People, People, People, we want to send a young person to a surf contest NOT Iraq!! Get a grip.

LETS SEND THREE "JUNIORS" AND THEIR BOARD CADDIES!! :wink: :wink: After all we are the richest country on earth with the BEST surfers. (oh yeah the best come from Kauai not the USA, and Kauai does not even want to part of Hawaii anymore, ie. see Kingdom of Atooi) 8)

Just wanted to let this post go on to 11 pages and see is we can set a new record :lol: :lol:

ps: i luv you guys. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:38 pm
by Scott
Darcy, that was the best post. Thank you.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:52 pm
by EasterIslandDi
I'm new to the site, but in spite of all the "discussion", this still sounds like a worthy cause to me. I had the pleasure of spending 3 months in Oz and NZ back in my backpacking days, so I know that any trip Downunder would be an awesome experience for one or more of the groms. I'm also a big fan of EQ, so I've matched his donation. Aloha :D

Re: #6180

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:55 am
by Caveman
One hour later...
I still haven't read the RW post. Never will...Scanned it.
That was enough.

Maybe it should be deleted, maybe not.

But, what ever happened to the discussion about the groms. Just because one or two are complaining. Do we really have to put up with it??

First off this is coming from the mother of 3 groms under five, at one time. (My baby just turned 21 in May!) I'm just wondering how such a positive thing, as sending kids to OZ, could bring up such negitivity and hate.

If Martin can't send his kid. Fine. There's plenty others that will.

When my kids were playing Sports and one was singled out to go to Oklahoma to compete in the Reginal Titles. We didn't scream that our 14yr old couldn't go without his mommy and daddy. We joined in the effort to raise the $1400, needed to make the week long trip. All of which we raised through donations from family friends and local businesses.

And we were grateful that he was given the opportunity to go and be part of his team and represent his state in a regional sporting event. A memory that he still carries with him. As do all of us and those who helped to raise the funds. All who helped, felt part of the effort to send him. It was awsome!

It would be so cool to raise enough money to send an entire team and a coach to boot. But of course with such short notice we can only send as many as we can send. Some might be able to raise their own funds and make it possible for more to go. And we should concider sending a coach. But, The Coach, is already there so we don't need to worry about that, this time.

Second, maybe should have been first. But, I want to say that what KSUSA has meant to me and The Caveman. It's given us opportinities and friendships with people not only across the world, OZ, NZ, SA, & LA. But, also brought us into, or back into contact with many old friends that are right here at home.

All of which would not have happened if not for KSUSA and this website.

It's about the people that we meet and friendships that are building and growing into a "family." When people asked how much they pay me to stand out there on that cliff from 7am-4pm, (10pm still on camera.)

I can only say. It's more than friendship, it's like family.
That's priceless. Wouldn't trade for anything.

One more thing, a spades a spade, douch bag fits.


Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:05 pm
by Steeno
there is the word



Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:24 pm
by DarcyM



Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:42 pm
by wino
When you look up the word soul in the dictionary you find a picture of Mr. & Mrs. Caveman.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:19 pm
by alfredo zavala
I don't mean to throw a new wrench into the works . . .

But are any of our top guys going to Phillip Island?

Like Barry or Jack?

Just wondering. . .

Nice word Cave :D


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:41 am
by Jack Beresford

I haven't heard of any of our top guys going this year - although I've been told that EQ sends entry fee each year (even though he knows he won't make it down).

Perhaps in future years we'll have more of a US presence at this event. Sending the juniors might be a good way to kick start this.


Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:23 am
by islandjim
While all the discussion on this thread has been about sending groms over to the PI classic, don't forget that the invitation is there for any kneelo from anywhere, groms to veterans, to come and enjoy our hospitality and share our waves. With more than 80 kneelos in one place at one time it has to be a good time.

closing out

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:37 am
by Jack Beresford
Last five days to contribute towards the 2007 trip!

We're going to close this out on Oct. 1 - thus far KSUSA and friends have generated a tremendous $3,500 online and via checks received in the mail. If nothing changes, we'll likely be sending two groms.

Thus far, two have applied and another two have requested the application - so if you're on the fence or one of those who waits to the last minute...NOW'S THE TIME!

Any leftover funds or funds contributed after the deadline will be put towards future grom efforts.

Thanks again


Alternately, you can send a check payable to Kneeboard Surfing USA to:

Mark Robertson
1313 Corte Maltera
Costa mesa, CA 92626

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:11 pm
by albert

BTW...I just sent my entry in to the PI comp this morning!

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:18 pm
by WayneK
Well? I just sent my entry form for the KSUSA Titles. Any Aussies coming out here????? :roll: :D 8)

junior team

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:45 pm
by Jack Beresford
A huge THANK YOU to everyone on this site who contributed to KSUSA's 2007 Junior Team Trip to Phillip Island. In just a few weeks we were able to raise enough to invite three young American kneelos to travel to PI for the comp...


Sam Coyne

Chris Linn

Sebastian Perez

Please congratulate these three on being selected - each showed a ton of enthusiasm about making the trip and all are solidly supported by their parents. They are all really talented kneeriders who surf well beyond their years.

Special thanks to Jamie, Neil, Jim and the other organizers of the PI contest! Without their willingness to host our groms, we wouldn't have been able to send the three. Also unbelievable to get so many donations from our big-hearted friends in Oz!

The only bummer is that we couldn't send all four juniors that applied. I've assured Matt he'll get full consideration if we repeat this program next year (which I'm hopeful we'll do, with your support).

Still, it's amazing what was accomplished from the generosity of those on this site.

Lot's of updates to come as our junior kneeriders get ready for their trip. We'll have more to share over the next couple weeks...
